The Sustainable City

For the year 2019, the organization celebrated the leap to Europe, with Spain (Madrid) hosting the VIII International Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art WTA, which took place from September 17 to November 3, 2019.

The VIII International Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art WTA, titled “Sustainable City,” focused on those artists who chose to express themselves through fibers and weaves, redefining with their work the very concept of “textile art,” limiting it and making it explode in its multiple connotations of meaning.

Crossing borders and combining disciplines, the artists who participated in the VIII International Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art WTA started from fibers to merge with new technologies and ventured into different lines of research, hybridizing searches and questioning categories but maintaining the textile as an element integrator. concept. They used the concept “Sustainable City” as the main theme.

The VIII International Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art WTA was organized by the World Organization of Textile Art (WTA), together with the association ID Arte, Innovation and Development of Art,, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, State Museums of Spain, City of Madrid, Complutense University of Madrid UCM, Embassies of Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico.

The General Management was headed by María Ortega.
