About the WTA Organization
The WTA Organization was born in 1997 in the city of Miami-Florida, United States, under the name of Women in Textile Art.
Pilar Tobón, Founding President and Colombian textile artist, raised this great challenge in view of the need to vindicate textile art locally and globally.
WTA has always pursued the goals of supporting-disseminating-promoting-encouraging textile artists and their works.
For the year 2009 and given the inclusive and universal character of textile art, it changes its name to World Textile Art.

WTA Biennials
Biennials organized by the WTA
WTA Biennials
Biennials organized by the WTA
Our Objetives
Strengthen, inspire and promote manifestations of contemporary textile art in all the places where the WTA is present.
Offer new artists the necessary tools to promote their work and career.
Foster awareness among people in the arts globally to prevent our artists from being perceived as artisans rather than true artists.
Strengthen bonds of solidarity with artists and art lovers from all over the world.
Be part of the History.
Our network of Textile Artists extends to more than 75 countries on ALL continents.
During the last 25 years and nine Biennials, World Textile Art has held the most important events worldwide. Hundreds of artists have emerged after participating in the Biennials, or in another of our official events. It is an experience that will change your life and that will allow your work to be exhibited alongside the ELITE. Our official catalogs and books reach thousands of places around the world. Our website is viewed by thousands of people annually and our events attract masses. Do not miss the great opportunity: Do not wait until the last moment. Don’t think you can only submit in one format: You can submit multiple proposals within any of the four categories, and receive a great discount for multiple entry fees.